Get An Estimate

Get a Repair Estimate

If you have been involved in an accident or would like an estimate to repair your vehicle in Basingstoke, Hampshire, then contact R&R Autos Bodyshop by completing our form below and we will be in contact to discuss your requirements.

Get a Repair Estimate in 3 Easy Steps.


Repair Estimate Form

Simply complete the form 3 steps with as much detail as possible and we will be in contact to discuss all your requirements.


Vehicle Details

Please provide us with some details of your vehicle.


Accident and Damage Details

How to take photos for an estimate, click the images below:

Estimate Image 01 - Vehicle Overview

Vehicle Overview

Estimate Image 02 - Damage Overview

Damage Overview

Estimate Image 03 - Damage Close-Up

Damage Close-Up

Vehicle Overview

(Accepted file types: .jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, 5mb size limit per image)

Damage Overview

(Accepted file types: .jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, 5mb size limit per image)

Damage Close-Up

(Accepted file types: .jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, 5mb size limit per image)


(Accepted file types: .jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, 5mb size limit per image)

Vehicle VIN

(Accepted file types: .jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, 5mb size limit per image)
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